Saturday, October 10, 2020

Rainy Days

     So, it's been one month since my last post. It hasn't been a good month or a bad month, just a bit busy. Today, thanks to Tropical storm Delta, is a day of 

    Work is busy, of course. I still have six classes, even if they are small. Small classes still take the same amount of prep and grading time. They are going fairly well--only one of my students has had to quarantine for coming into contact with COVID. After a freakout on learning the news, I have settled to realize things are ok.

    I am also taking an Online Best Teaching Practices course for Professional Development. I've taught online on and off since I've been employed by this college, but I never had any formal training. I seem to be doing a lot of things right, and I have to thank my experience of being an online graduate student for that. I gained a lot more than just my second Master's degree through the experience. I am also forcing myself to explore Blackboard (our Learning Management System), and I keep finding new things that I can use. 

    On the diabetic side of things, all seems well. If I behave myself, things go well, and if I don't, things don't go so well. I can at least be more aware of those self-sabotaging things that I do. 

    I don't have much else. I'm trying very hard to stay focused on the small things in my life and not the large and political ones. 

    I do want to mention that Louise Gluck won the Nobel Prize for Literature, and it was one of her poems that brought me back to fairy tales (and how I've taught my comp 2 class for a while now). So I am linking to "Gretel in Darkness". It's a haunting poem about the aftermath of fairy tales, the relationships and the traumas. I find it powerful.

    So, ta ta for now as Tigger says.