Sunday, June 5, 2016

On the title

One of my favorite quotes from literature comes from Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself." A large rambling anthe of a poem, "Song of Myself" covers a wide span of ideas and concepts, but my favorite line (and there are a large number of them) is, Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes.” I love this line because it speaks to human potential. 

I chose it for the title of this blog because we all contain multitudes. We contain a multitude of selves, ideas, concerns, loves, and so forth. I know I certainly contain multitudes, and often contradictory ones. For instance, I am both a teacher and a student. I am a wife and staunch feminist, and so forth. I think this is the human condition to contain multitudes. 

In this blog I hope to share some of the multitudes that make up this one human. Your multitudes may vary. I may post essays. I may post snippets. I may post photos. I may post papers I write for class. I may store ideas for teaching. I may ruminate on many things. My ideas and my thoughts may be contradictory, so what? HUman do hold contradictory ideas because as Whitman posits we contain multitudes. 

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