Friday, May 14, 2021

Question 2

 So, continuing the Philosophy project, question 2 is "if you had only a few minutes to live, what would you do with them? What if you only had a few days? What. if you only had twenty years?" 

  Again, this is another question aimed at getting us to think about the meaning of life and what is important. Since my mother died in 2018, I think my answer has changed a bit; while it would certainly have been to make sure your loved ones know you love them for the few minutes portion of the question, and the few days would have been to see as many of those people as I could cram in, but the twenty years might have been nothing different than usual. Since so many deaths have happened in my husband's and my lives, I think now that letting those you love and care about know that is the best answer to all three parts of the question. 

  When this question comes up in the classroom, I always point out to my students that we never know what time we have. We could walk out the door expecting everything to be fine and then be hit by a car. Or, we could find we have many more years than twenty to live life to the lees. In either situation, I believe that letting the people we love know that we love them is always a good option. Whether we do this by telling them, showing them, doing things for them, it matters to both them and us that we let them know this. After all, it is our relationships that make us who we are and allow us to enjoy our lives. 

 So my answer now to all three questions is to show my appreciation for those I love and care about whether I have minutes or decades because they are the important things in life. 

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